domingo, 4 de julio de 2010

At the Governor's Residence

At the Governor's residence. Some of the Latino Chamber of Commerce (LCC) board members assisted to this reunion. I had the chance to meet with people I did not see in years and also an opportunity to share some ideas with them. I loved Jim Doyle's powerful speech; he talked about Latinos in Wisconsin and the role we have in this economy. Years ago I did not even know who the Attorney General was until one day a person called me and told me that he was involved in an accident and that a person named Jim witnessed the incident and gave him his phone number in case he needed it. A couple days later I called this person Jim and when I dialed the number the person on the other side responded: "Attorney General office", I was surprised, I did not know I was trying to reach the attorney general, I told the woman I needed to talk to Jim Doyle. She was so kind and transferred me to him. I did not have to wait at all. Sometimes other might tell me to call back later or like in many instances when a person is so important they tell you to leave your number and they will call you back, but never do. No, I was able to talk to the now Governor Jim Doyle right away and he helped me with the client I had. When he was running for governor I knew who he was and the kind of person he was so I did not hesitate to vote for him; no regrets about it. I do think he is a great person and he has done many things for Latinos and for the state of Wisconsin in general.
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domingo, 1 de noviembre de 2009

My first day in Peru

10-21-09 Mi viaje. I feel numb. I really do not know how to express the way I feel. Of course going back to my country after 12 years and not having family there anymore makes it harder.

My brother took me to the airport. I do not know right now if I forgot something important or not at home; well the most important I have it with me: my passport, my airplane ticket, my notebook to write, my pen, my laptop, my phone and my son’s picture, what more could I ask for.

As I got to the check- in area I was so nervous, but surprised that everybody there were nice with me, starting at the check in point where the middle aged gentleman helped me with everything; I did not do much just lifted my luggage to get them weight, then he told me: I meet you at gate 10. I went through custom, there, I have to show my passport and the gentleman was very kind too. He was a tall good looking man with beautiful eyes . He asked me how I was doing and I told him nervous. Is this your first time flying? he replied, I said NO but flying alone, YES. then he said: I wish you a beautiful trip! It made me feel comfortable. I went to the other line where I had to take my shoes off and put it in a plastic container as well as my laptop and backpack and my carry on luggage, all at a sudden the officer came to me and asked me if I had any liquid , or shampoo after she finished asking I recalled putting them at the last moment on my carry on luggage, I looked at her and told her YES, and told her not to throw it away, she gave me a smile and asked me if I came with somebody, and told her YES my brother brought me here, she told me to put the things on the other table and to call my brother. I called Armando and told him to come back up stairs. He was leaving the ramp already, he turned around as soon as he could and ran upstairs, the officer was waiting for him, gave him the 2 bottles of liquids; she continued checking my bags, when she was done I went to gate 10 and waited for my flight.

It was time to board the plane, I went throw out this tunnel the person there grabbed my luggage I continued walking throw the tunnel until I got inside the airplane and looked for my seat. I went to the wrong one 15F what I did not realize is that that was the # for the next flight, rapidly I managed and went to look for my seat 4A, it was close to the pilot. The hostess a man with a resemble to Clark Kent-Superman, his hair with gel, looked very hard and perfect. His sad eyes had a lost look.
Looking throughout the airplane window a feeling of sadness invaded me. That rainy morning made feel unconfortable. The clouds were up high and beautiful, I prayed God to change the weather and he did it after a few minutes sun was shining that made my connection to Cincinnatti memorable. Now I am here waiting for my flight to Atlanta.